
Transform your favorite images into stunning text-based masterpieces

Upload an Image

File size limit: 4.5 MB


Choose character set:

The generated image will be made of the characters from your chosen character set.


What is ASCII Art?

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from different ASCII Characters. It was invented, in large part, because early printers often lacked graphics ability and thus, characters were used in place of graphic marks.


Click on the images to enlarge them.
Zoom-in to see what are they made of!

Above ASCII Art is generated using Synascie

How is an image converted into ASCII character art?

First of all, the image is resized to a smaller size and is then converted to grayscale. The reason behind converting to grayscale is that we can get the darkness of the pixel (amount of blackness or whiteness) and then we can map each pixel to an ASCII character according to its density (for example 'Ñ' for the brightest pixel and " ` " or "  " (whitespace) for the darkest pixel). Different ASCII character sets can be used.

 Copyright © 2023  Ayush Shah

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